WHAT SORT OF VIDEO’S CAN YOU MAKE FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Tips to consider when creating a video marketing strategy ?

Last week I talked about defining your video goals… this week I talk about what types of videos to make. ?

Video is the most engaging content you can produce. I can make sure you look good, ensure you’re authentic and that you have a plan – video creates new conversions and potentially new prospects and clients for your business.

How can I help you use video in your business? Get in touch – schedule a time to chat about getting results for your business using video

Excited that corporate events are back!

Just how excited am I about level 1 events being back on the radar?

While we’ve been focused on the video marketing and media comms side of the business we still have events as an important part of what we do and who we are – we love live events where we get to engage and have a real impact on peoples enjoyment factor.

Although there’s been a massive uptake in virtual and online comms through the Covid crisis there is still a basic human need to interact live and in person; and that need is about to be unleased.

You know the most successful brands all make their major announcements through a live event – like Apple for example. Companies and association groups all invest time and money in their cultures, staff and clients by hosting events.

Live events provides vital fuel for business growth and is an investment in the culture and staff of an organisation. Events give like-minded people the opportunity to form more meaningful connections, with lots of opportunity to share their experience on social media and go virtual.

How can we help you?

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